Friday, December 30, 2011

Nehemiah 2:18, "Let us rise up and build."

And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me. So they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work. NKJV
Nehemiah inspired his downtrodden people. Nehemiah told the people and the leaders of his intent, his vision, his will, and he filled them with willingness and faith by telling of God's work and presence in his own life and telling of the tangible display of God's blessing on the task. He gave them realistic proof of the projects feasibility and a reason to believe this undertaking was not that of a dreamer incapable of bringing the task to completion by sharing the king's words.

He inspired them to confidence and a willingness to take the steps in beginning a monumental project with enthusiasm; and with that confidence and spirit they began the work.

They went beyond setting their minds to it, "they set their hands to [the] good work."

A few weeks ago several of us went to the Benjamin Bloom children's hospital here in El Salvador to pass out some presents, and at the end of our visit as we left Violeta told us some things about the hospital, including it's history and current needs. I began thinking about things that could be done for the hospital, what I could do to help the hospital, and began wanting to put together a fundraiser when we come back to the states; but I don't know what would be involved in putting together a fundraiser or the difficulties with the size and format I have in mind.

Yesterday I spent some time putting together an outline for a project proposal after spending most of the church service unable to think about anything else.

I don't know everything that would need to be done for a large scale fundraiser, but I can research and I can ask those who do know about these things for their advice; I can spend more time polishing up the outline of my idea and getting what information I am able to find; I can, while still in El Salvador and able to speak face to face, present the idea to Violeta, seeking her thoughts on the project and her insight, but first and foremost her approval and aid.

I can put in a serious effort to make this a reality and let others see that I am willing and wanting for God to use me in this work, and with His blessing and hand in the work those who are able to support it will come up alongside as I seek them out.

I will set my hands to this good work and be prepared for the more hands that come.

Studies that share my heart: Kayla's, Colin's

I pray
to God
that He brings
my heart
to want
what He wants
for the reasons
He wants it.

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