And they continued steadfastly in
the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in
the breaking of bread, and in prayers. NKJV
On the Day of Pentecost approximately three thousand were saved or 'added to the apostles' (Vs 41).
Verse 42 follows and tells us that having come to Christ they continued with the apostles' teachings; but not just continued, they continued steadfastly. With purpose and an unbroken constant-ness, an unwavering pace where they followed the apostles' instruction and teaching and fellowship.
But it was not only in the apostles' that they continued steadfastly.
They broke bread and took part in communion in remembrance.
They prayed.
They came to Christ and continued in Christ. They did not 'fall away'.
These new Christians, some of the 'first' Christians, were a community of believers on fire for the Lord and the Christ who saved them, and they were open to the Holy Spirit and did not 'quench' it as they were moved powerfully.
This early church was strong and faithful.
They were bound together in their faith.
They were steadfast.
It makes me wonder. How often can I say that I am truly steadfast with the Lord and Christ? Do I really let the Holy Spirit move me as fully as the Lord desires? And have I ever?
I want to wholly and honestly devote myself and be filled with His word. To dive in and not treat my reading and study as 'homework', 'something to research' that needs to be drudged through, or just another curiosity.
I want to allow God to guide my understanding and leave a deep impression on me.
My time here at the Missionary Training School is already helping. It is 'giving me a reason' to take a closer look than I have before at just how much is said in each line and passage of the Bible, and the pastors here are providing us the tools and guidance to not only recognize how much is said, but also to understand, not simply as 'I understand', but as is INTENDED by the scriptures
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.